Edmund Elsensohn

Edmund Elsensohn

Hardcore tea nerd. Evil zombie buff. Avid social media lover. Unapologetic twitter enthusiast. Total tv advocate.

41 Posts Written
Which Bitcoin Mining is Legit and Profitable?

Which Bitcoin Mining is Legit and Profitable?

We strongly recommend joining Slush Pool or Poolin, two of the most popular and reliable mining pools. Before we get into ...

Who owns bitcoin?

Who owns bitcoin?

Just like no one owns email technology, no one owns the Bitcoin network. As such, no one can speak authoritatively on...

Are Bitcoin Earnings Subject to Taxation? An Expert's Guide

Are Bitcoin Earnings Subject to Taxation? An Expert's Guide

Cryptocurrencies are taxed like stocks and other types of property. When you make a profit after selling or disposing of...

Why Bitcoin Will Fail: An Expert's Perspective

Why Bitcoin Will Fail: An Expert's Perspective

Bitcoin has been on a rollercoaster ride in recent months, with its value skyrocketing and then dropping again. But why...

Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable at Home?

Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable at Home?

In the current climate, it takes a significant investment in equipment, cooling, and storage to make a profit from...

How Much Money Can Bitcoin Miners Earn?

How Much Money Can Bitcoin Miners Earn?

Bitcoin mining is a risky business, but it can be profitable if done correctly. It's important to understand the tax...

Is Investing in Bitcoin a Good Idea?

Is Investing in Bitcoin a Good Idea?

The high liquidity associated with Bitcoin makes it an attractive option for those looking to make short-term profits....

How to Withdraw Money from a Bitcoin ATM Safely

How to Withdraw Money from a Bitcoin ATM Safely

Bitcoin ATMs are a convenient way to access fiat money in exchange for cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Litecoin....

What is the most legitimate bitcoin mining application?

What is the most legitimate bitcoin mining application?

List of the best bitcoin mining programs Awesome Miner, BFGMiner, MultiMiner, EasyMiner, CGMiner, BTC Miner, Diablo...

Is Bitcoin a Good Investment for Beginners?

Is Bitcoin a Good Investment for Beginners?

Bitcoin is a very high-risk investment because it is a volatile asset. This means that Bitcoin values can rise or fall...

Will Bitcoin Continue to Rise? An Expert's Perspective

Will Bitcoin Continue to Rise? An Expert's Perspective

Experts agree that the recent surge in the price of Bitcoin does not guarantee a long-term reversal. The price of Bitcoin ...

How to Get 1 Bitcoin Quickly

How to Get 1 Bitcoin Quickly

Are you looking for ways to get 1 Bitcoin quickly? You're in luck! There are several methods you can use to get your...

What is Bitcoin and How Does it Work?

What is Bitcoin and How Does it Work?

Bitcoin is a revolutionary digital currency that operates without any central control or oversight of banks or...

Where is Bitcoin Headed? An Expert's Perspective

Where is Bitcoin Headed? An Expert's Perspective

The Finder currently measures experts' predictions about the future price of BTC using two surveys. Our weekly survey...

Can Bitcoin Be Hacked? An Expert's Perspective

Can Bitcoin Be Hacked? An Expert's Perspective

Bitcoin has been around for almost a decade and is a popular form of digital currency. It is a decentralized system that...

Why Has Bitcoin Dropped and What Does It Mean for Crypto Investors?

Why Has Bitcoin Dropped and What Does It Mean for Crypto Investors?

The cryptocurrency market has been in a state of flux lately, with Bitcoin, Ether, and other digital assets experiencing...

Are Bitcoin ATMs Anonymous? An Expert's Guide

Are Bitcoin ATMs Anonymous? An Expert's Guide

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are renowned for their anonymity, and Bitcoin ATMs are no exception. When used, they...

What Bitcoin Did and How It Changed the World

What Bitcoin Did and How It Changed the World

For more than a decade, Bitcoin has been the world's first true cryptocurrency, surviving against many challenges. With...

What Factors Impacted Bitcoin's Price When it Cost 1 Dollar?

What Factors Impacted Bitcoin's Price When it Cost 1 Dollar?

Bitcoin is a digital currency that has become increasingly popular over the years. It is a decentralized system, meaning...

Why is Bitcoin Price Going Down?

Why is Bitcoin Price Going Down?

Bitcoin, the world's most popular cryptocurrency, has been facing a downward trend in recent months due to several...

Are Bitcoin ATMs Safe? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Bitcoin ATMs Safe? A Comprehensive Guide

Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular in recent years, and with that popularity comes the need for secure...

Understanding Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Guide

Bitcoin is a revolutionary form of digital money that eliminates the need for central authorities such as banks or...

Understanding How Bitcoin ATMs Work

Understanding How Bitcoin ATMs Work

Bitcoin ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) are kiosks that enable users to purchase and sell cryptocurrencies such as...

Can Bitcoin Be Tracked? An Expert's Perspective

Can Bitcoin Be Tracked? An Expert's Perspective

Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates independently of third-party oversight by banks or governments. It works with ...

Will Bitcoin Reach 1 Million?

Will Bitcoin Reach 1 Million?

In this type of mining, miners collaborate with each other to conceal new blocks and release abandoned blocks that are...

The Mysterious Origins of Bitcoin: Uncovering the Creator of the Cryptocurrency

The Mysterious Origins of Bitcoin: Uncovering the Creator of the Cryptocurrency

A bitcoin is a digital currency that operates without any central control or oversight of banks or governments. It is...

Using a Bitcoin ATM: A Step-by-Step Guide

Using a Bitcoin ATM: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cryptocurrency ATMs are becoming increasingly popular as a way to buy and sell Bitcoin for cash. In this guide, we'll...

Where Can You Spend Your Bitcoins?

Where Can You Spend Your Bitcoins?

In recent years, the use of cryptocurrencies as a form of payment has become increasingly popular. From large companies...

What is the Best Bitcoin Mining Site?

What is the Best Bitcoin Mining Site?

As lucrative as it may seem, Bitcoin mining is no longer a viable option for the average person. This is because, in...

How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin at Home?

How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin at Home?

Mining Bitcoin is a complex process that requires a lot of time and effort. With the current difficulty rate, it can take ...

What bitcoin to buy?

What bitcoin to buy?

They say you shouldn't invest in the stock market if you're not able to deal with a 20% drop. To help you get your...

How Much Money Can You Make Mining Bitcoins?

How Much Money Can You Make Mining Bitcoins?

Mining is the backbone of all proof-of-work blockchains, and it is possible to make more profit mining bitcoins than...

Which Bitcoin Wallet is the Best in the US?

Which Bitcoin Wallet is the Best in the US?

If you need bitcoins quickly, buying with a debit card is a great option. Cold storage wallets are generally considered...

Where is Bitcoin Mining Done? A Comprehensive Guide

Where is Bitcoin Mining Done? A Comprehensive Guide

Bitcoin mining is the process of creating new bitcoins by solving puzzles. It consists of computer systems equipped with...

What is Bitcoin Mining and Is It Still Profitable?

What is Bitcoin Mining and Is It Still Profitable?

Bitcoin mining is the process of creating new bitcoins by solving extremely complicated mathematical problems that verify ...

The Environmental Impact of Bitcoin: 8 Facts You Should Know

The Environmental Impact of Bitcoin: 8 Facts You Should Know

The environmental impact of cryptocurrencies is a hot topic of debate. While most people know it as bitcoin mining, many...

Can You Really Make Money with Bitcoin?

Can You Really Make Money with Bitcoin?

If you buy and sell Bitcoin at the right time, you can make a lot of money. But it's not as easy as it sounds.

Can You Withdraw Cash from a Bitcoin ATM?

Can You Withdraw Cash from a Bitcoin ATM?

Bitcoin ATMs are machines that dispense bitcoins in exchange for cash. While all Bitcoin ATMs can accept cash and buy...

Will Bitcoin Recover? An Expert's Perspective

Will Bitcoin Recover? An Expert's Perspective

It's hard to say if the cryptocurrency market is in full recovery mode. After all, bear market rebounds are common and no ...

What is Bitcoin and When Was it Created?

What is Bitcoin and When Was it Created?

Bitcoin was created to be a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, but it has also attracted crypto-curious investors as a...